
I. Explain the meaning of these proverbs. Please, think of any examples where these proverbs can be particularly useful.

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. – People who have faults should not criticize other people for having the same faults.

Where there is a will there is a way. – If someone really wants to do something, they will find a way to do it, even if there are things that make it hard to do.

Better safe than sorry. – It’s wiser to be cautious and careful than to be hasty or rash and so do something you may later regret.

A watched pot never boils. – Time seems to drag endlessly when you’re waiting for something to happen.

A bad workman always blames his tools. – A person who has done something badly will seek to lay the blame on their equipment rather than admit their own lack of skill.

Make hay when the sun shines. – Taking advantage of a situation that is favourable to them while they have the chance to.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire. – Said when you move from a bad or difficult situation to one that is worse.

II. Commonly Confused Words

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

She was confident that he would (exceed, accede) to her request.

I invited everyone (except, accept) to the picnic except Tom. 

It would be more (humane, human) to treat animals kindly.

I was (already, all ready) to go by the time he got home.

Some wealthy people live on the interest of their money without ever touching the (principle, principal).

The presence of a crowd never (effected, affected) the confident public speaker

I would (advice, advise) you to say nothing.

A store that sells paper is known as a (stationary, stationery) store.

He thought that his boss’s ideas were beautifully (simple, simplistic).

A web (cite, site, sight) must generally be current to be effective.

We made (a verbal, an oral) contract on the spot.

The last item was a good (compliment, complement) to my research paper.

III.    Match the adjectives below with the descriptions.
devious      fake      hypocritical      straight      trustworthy      truthful 

Someone who is honest and says what they think. – truthful 

Someone who tricks others in order to get what they want. – hypocritical 

Something which is not genuine. – fake

Someone who can be relied upon to do the right thing and be honest. – trustworthy

Someone who says only what is true. –  straight

Someone who says one thing, but does another. – devious

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